Jingle and Intro Music


A jingle is a short musical composition, generally catchy and rhythmic, created to promote a product, brand, or company. Jingles are often used in advertising.

The jingle is generally brief, lasting a few seconds, designed to be memorable.

They generally include simple and repetitive notes, making the message easy for the audience to remember.

The jingle often aims to evoke specific emotions and create positive associations with the brand or product it represents.

In addition to being a promotional tool, a jingle can also strengthen a brand's sonic identity, making it recognizable when heard.

As a sound creation studio, Resonance has the expertise to create custom advertising jingles that captivate and strengthen your brand's identity. We collaborate to compose a catchy jingle that will get people talking about you.
Our team is ready to offer you sound marketing services tailored to your needs. As a sound designer, we take the time to thoroughly understand your message and your audience. With high-quality productions, we become your trusted commercial jingle producer.
If you are looking for standout sound communication for businesses, do not hesitate to contact us. Let's improve your sound design strategy together with a professional jingle that resonates and stays in memory. So, ready to create something unique?

Intro music

An intro music is a short musical excerpt that is generally played at the beginning of a television show, a podcast, a YouTube video, an advertisement, or another form of audio-visual content. It serves to set the tone of the show or video and to welcome the listeners or viewers.

Generally between 5 and 30 seconds.

The intro music aims to capture the audience's attention from the start and create an atmosphere that prepares listeners for what is to come.

It can vary in style and genre depending on the theme or target audience of the show, whether it be a dramatic, light, humorous, or serious tone.

Often associated with a brand or a creator, the intro music is thus an element of recognition.

At Resonance Sound Design, we know how much a good YouTube intro music can make all the difference. As a trusted sound design agency, we specialize in creating custom intro music, whether for a vlog, a YouTube channel, or any other media.
With us, you will have a sound design studio that understands your needs and creates sounds that truly resonate with your content. Ready to bring your YouTube channel to life with custom intro music that will attract subscribers? So, let's talk about it and make your project a success in sound design!
